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How to Bypass Windows XP Password without Reinstalling.6 Ways to Crack Windows XP Administrator Password Successfully.
For legal reasons, we cannot recommend or endorse any one of these companies. If you want help to break or to reset a password, you can locate and contact a third-party company for this help. You use such third-party products and services at your own risk. Microsoft forbids any assistance being given in these Forums to help you bypass or "crack" lost or forgotten Passwords.
Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn't help. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. I have forgotten my login password. How can I reset. I don't have a reboot disc. This thread is locked. You can follow the question or vote as helpful, but you cannot reply to this thread.
I have the same question Report abuse. Details required :. Cancel Submit. Bill Smithers Volunteer Moderator. If you have the Windows installation disc, you can reset Windows XP password with installation disk in the following way:.
If you think the methods above are very complicated and is not intended for the beginner, a third-party program — Windows Password Recovery is high recommended for you. Free Download Buy Now. Download, install and launch the Windows Password Recovery Tool on an accessible computer Not the locked one. Insert the created password reset disk into the lock computer and boot the computer from it, then Windows Password Recovery Tool will run on your locked computer and you can reset Windows XP password with the program.
Ophcrack is a great Windows password recovery software that will help you in Windows XP password reset process. When your computer restarts, you will see Ophrack is loaded in your computer screen. You just need to keep the default options selected and the process will continue automatically. Step 5. After the password recover process is completed, you can simply exit the process and restart your computer.
Then you can use the administrator password to log into your computer system. Follow the below guideline to do this:. First you need to boot up your computer and you will get the welcome screen in your display.
Step 2. Now you need to select the account that you want to change the password for and follow the instructions you will get on your screen. Then you need to play your last resort. By that, I mean you have to full format your computer with complete Windows reinstallation. Then you can easily perform the reinstallation of Windows and full format process. This will remove your administrator login password and you will be able to log into your computer system like you did for the first time without any password.
After reading this article you have learned how to reset Windows XP password in 6 easy methods. We recommend to use Windows Password Recovery.
There is no other software or method that can give you an unchallenged, clean and easy password resetting process for Windows XP operating system. So stop wasting your time on anything else and use the best software on the internet to solve your problem!
Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Method 1. Here is how you can do it: Step 1. Press Enter to enter the Setup. Press F8 to accept the license.
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